Commercial Construction Defects – Windward Point – $5,285,000 settlement

About This Case

We were hired by a Mount Pleasant condominium horizontal property regime and unit owners to investigate a potential claim arising out of ongoing water leaks into owner units.   After hiring multiple experts to investigate concerns of water intrusion through the building envelope that was causing damage to the building and individual units, it was determined that the water intrusion was caused as a result of multiple latent defects and deficiencies in the design, development, and construction of the project.  As a result, we filed a lawsuit against the project’s general contractor, developer, architect, and the numerous subcontractors who developed and constructed the property and then sold the units to individual owners upon completion.  The investigation also uncovered issues in the exterior walkways that would require not only extensive repairs but loss of use claims for each property owner.

After diligently litigating the case for more than four years, we were able to reach satisfactory settlements with all the parties involved so our clients could begin hiring the proper parties to repair the property’s common areas and owners’ units.  The litigation included handling claims against multiple subcontractors – each with different insurance coverage issues.  Our team was able to obtain a very favorable result for our clients by years of hard work and dedication.   The repairs at Windward Point have been completed and the owners are able to enjoy their property.