Short Term Rentals

About This Case

Few land-use issues have become more controversial in recent years than short-term rentals. The regulatory approach to these uses can vary wildly from one jurisdiction to the next. While some locales prohibit these uses entirely, others allow them, provided the property owner complies with various – sometimes complex – regulations.

We represented the owner of a waterfront property who had his duly issued short-term rental permit unlawfully revoked by the county. After we were retained, we thoroughly researched the issue and filed a zoning appeal with the board of zoning appeals.


We worked hard on resolving several complex technical and legal issues. We also helped win over the support of our client’s neighbors and the neighborhood association by diplomatically answering questions and addressing concerns.


The board of zoning appeals ultimately reversed the zoning administrator’s determination and the good standing of our client’s short-term rental use was reaffirmed.